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Site web:  http://www.heitman.com

Număr de telefon:  +44 207 318 1030 

Heitman provides a broad array of real estate services and products through three complementary and functionally integrated business units, as described below: Private Real Estate Equity We provide investment management services in the U.S., Europe and Asia, including portfolio analysis and construction, property acquisition and disposition, asset and portfolio management, and takeover asset management to institutional investors invested in real estate. Heitman offers a range of investment opportunities to its institutional clients in a variety of formats. Current assets under management: $21.9 billion Public Real Estate Securities We provide investment management services to institutional investors and individual investors seeking investments in publicly traded real estate securities. Heitman incorporates qualitative and quantitative securities analysis to execute its value-oriented growth-at-a-reasonable-price strategy. Current assets under management: $2.5 billion Real Estate Debt We originate commercial mortgage loans secured by office buildings, shopping centers, multi-family apartments and industrial properties. Heitman also provides management and servicing of these loans for institutional investors, insurance companies and other financial institutions. Current assets under management: $1.3 billion


Mihai Plaesu

+40 74 069 3862

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