CPI considers creating a human-centred working environment as part of its high-level service offered for tenants. CPI is convinced that a reception in a 21th century office building should not undertake operational and safe keeping tasksonly. The focus of this novel approach is CPI’s Human Innovation Program with the aim of facilitating the every days of the employees working in the offices.


Some elements of this service have already appeared; e.g. the farmers’ market organized earlier met with great success. The full program was first introduced in the completely renewed Balance Building located in the so-called Vácioffice corridor.


In addition to the general and routine services of a reception, a human receptionist is waiting for the employees working in the buildingfor 6 hours daily, and helping them with settling all sorts of matters. Sheorganizes cleaner’s, shoemaker’s or motor mechanic’s services as well as administration of official documents,on demand. Taxis, chauffeur service, cinema or theatre tickets, flowers, fruit baskets, healthy food or even business lunch can be ordered with her assistance. Within the frame of the program facilitating to maintain the health of the employees and their feeling of comfort, health check monitoring will be repeatedly organized and a separate room will help with their relaxation where massage, yoga training and spinal exercises will be regularly held among others.


“The Human Innovation Program met with an unequivocally positive welcome among our colleagues. It’s very nice that the managing company cheers the tenants up. We are happy with this initiative, trying to make use of it and supporting it to remain for long” – András Bacskai, project manager of Interticket Ltd. said.


Employees of the tenant companies can find resting places and sports facilities in the 3000 sqm park adjacent to the Balance Building, sporting goods like ping-pong paddles and tennis rackets can be borrowed from the Balance depot. Open-air cinema and jazz concert are also found among the planned programs serving entertainment and leisure.



“We have grasped the opportunity several times to ease our frustration and stress accumulated during the day by playing ping-pong a little bit. It’s a great help, too, in developing team spirit. The moving-market and the ice-cream stand give opportunity for smaller purchases and bring a refreshing change day-by-day – Ferenc Becker, project manager of Parvis Ltd. added. 




CPI, www.cpigroup.hu